Impact Therapy Centre believes that a therapist’s job is to put themelves out of business. We are passionate about empowering members of our community. We host monthly talks at our practice on relevant topics that aim to educate and uplift our community. Jeanie Cavé, clinical psychologist, also appears regularly on the Eusebius Mckaiser “Family Matters” show on 702
Why We Feel Traumatised by the COVID Pandemic
Ashleigh Yaman, Counselling Psychologist at Impact Therapy Centre talks about what happens in the brain when we face trauma. Trauma can range from being held at gunpoint to someone blowing out your candles on your Third Birthday and everything in between. Ashleigh...
Family Matters – The importance of vulnerability
Counseling psychologist, Ashleigh Yaman, joins Clement to discuss the importance of vulnerability in maintaining healthy relationships. Callers also share their vulnerability with Clement.
Family Matters- coping with narcissistic parents
What does narcissistic parenting look like? How did this affect you and how you were raised? Clement and Jeanie Cave discuss how to navigate this issue and how to have positive outcomes later in life.
Family Matters: Bottling up emotions
Jeanie Cave, clinical psychologist and Clement discuss the implications of bottling up emotions will have on an individual long term.
Family Matters: Sibling comparison
Clement is joined by Clinical Psychologist Jeanie Cave about the effects of sibling comparison on children.
Equipping your child to read and write
When the crucial PROCESS of child development is better understood, it becomes easier to understand HOW and WHY this requires great focus.
Psychological effects of isolation & tips on how to cope
During these uncertain, difficult and stressful times as we deal with the effects of social distancing and isolation. Here are some practical and psychosocial tips on how to cope.
COVID-19 Resource Guide
The COVID-19 pandemic has appeared out of the blue and is un- precedented territory for all of us. In this place of uncertainty and on-the-go adaption, it is normal to feel overwhelmed, stressed and anxious.
How to boost your immune system to avoid contracting the Coronavirus
It is incredibly important to maintain a healthy immune system during these trying times in order to prevent contracting this virus.
Taking charge of your emotions
Emotions do not need to be controlled but people can learn to work with them and use them to inform their experiences.