DOWNLOAD our resource guide here: COVID 19 RESOURCE GUIDE
Dear Clients,
The COVID-19 pandemic has appeared out of the blue and is un- precedented territory for all of us. In this place of uncertainty and on-the-go adaption, it is normal to feel overwhelmed, stressed and anxious. The impacts of this pandemic are widespread, not only posing potential risk to our physical bodies and the physical bodies of our loved ones, but also posing a threat to our emotional well-being, our access to our usual financial income (which may also mean limited access to meaningful work and a sense of purpose) and therefore implicating our individual financial well-being and also the general economic status of our country.
So, in the midst of being overwhelmed and stressed and acutely aware of all the things we CANNOT do, we, as the Impact Therapy Team, have put together this resource guide to help you focus on some things that you CAN do. The resources you’ll find in this guide have been included with the hope that you will be mobilized to control the things that are within your reach to control and to assist in the promotion of your overall well- being during this terribly trying time.
We are all in this together and the Impact Therapy Team, as well as a vast and very passionate community of psychologists and other healthcare workers, are still here for you.
We look forward to the day when we can see you all again in person, but for now, rest assured in the fact that you have all of the devotion, attention and care we would normally pour into our clients, but just from a socially safe distance.
Sending all our love and positive thoughts,
The Impact Therapy Team